Peace Teams News, PO Box 10372, San Antonio TX 78210-0372, Tel: 877 814 6972







FALL, 2000: Volume 5 Issue 3


366 Ways to Peace, compiled by Melodie M. Davis.

This 5x6" easel/spiral-bound daily reader is just right to sit by my computer and inspire me while it boots up. Daily readings include Bible verses and quotes from a wide range of people, some as well-known as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Billy Graham, others I assume are Anabaptist writers (including Menno Simms, the founder of the Mennonites). Gandhi and people from other faith traditions are included, but the emphasis is on Christian writers. This is an excellent resource for Biblical citations on peace and justice topics and a challenging companion for our daily path towards peace.

Available from Herald Press, 1-800-759-4447, website: www.mph/org

Still Pulling Strings: U.S. Military Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean Post-Cold War, prepared by Matthew Yarrow.

Many of us took a sigh of relief when the Cold War drew to a close and peace gradually came to Central America. Perhaps, we hoped, the U.S. military would change its often brutal methods of involvement in Latin America. Because of spotty media coverage, many citizens are unaware of exactly how the U.S. military is engaged in the region. The purpose of this report is to shed some light on this involvement.

Not surprisingly, the U.S. military has continued many Cold War programs, such as training for Latin American military personnel and arms sales. However, U.S. policymakers and military officials have also adapted military policy and programs to an “uncertain” post-Cold War environment. The result is a focus on “alternative military roles” such as humanitarian relief, civic works projects, environmental conferences, police training, and counter-narcotics programs. The 25-page Still Pulling Strings report examines how some of these seemingly benign roles can actually be damaging to the process of democratization in Latin America as well as to basic human rights. This publication is a rich resource of information and analysis for activists and others. Three country studies on Mexico, Colombia, and Puerto Rico accompany Still Pulling Strings and provide a more in-depth account of how U.S. military policy affects these areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. These three documents can also stand alone as informative introductions to issues of militarism in each of the three countries.

Available from: American Friends Service Committee, Peace Building Unit, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, tel: 215 241-7175, fax: 215 241-7177, e-mail: [email protected]